Transform Your Organization
Training for your Organization
For over 20 years, IEnlighten has partnered with organizations to deliver programs that are based on the most current scientific research about emotions and how they impact people’s capacity to think and to get effective results from themselves and others.
Our learner experiences are effective in building and sustaining the core competencies of the skill of EI (self awareness, emotional management and connection). We synthesize the benefits of assessments, training, coaching and keynotes to design programs that meet the learning needs of every team member from the executive leaders to the frontline team.
Our programs are delivered blending traditional classroom with cutting edge learning technology to ensure learning solutions to meet the learner where they are and are delivered in a way that is cost-effective, convenient and scalable
Drive Real Behavior Change
Training on Your Terms
Flexibility With Multiple Training Options
Live Online Facilitated Learning
Teaching the same world-class content covered in our classroom-delivered program, our live online program delivers the best aspects of traditional classroom training while using interactive technology to create an experience that reinforces the learning.